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miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Presentamos nuestra primera colección, Otoño 2012

La colección Five O clock está dedicada a la mujer que, habiéndose realizado en muchos aspectos de su vida, se despoja ahora de las poses, y con más madurez, vuelve a mirarse, reencontrarse, sentirse linda, y reinventarse.

Los diferentes tipos de té representan a la mujer multifacética, siempre distinta pero siempre ella;

su aroma, a la sutil esencia del estilo; su ceremonia, a la atención a la calidad y el detalle.

Toda la colección está realizada en lana merino uruguaya, de Balitex Lanas, por paprticipantes destacados de Animate a Tejer 2011:

  • Marianela Itzaina,
  • Maria Noel Echeverrigaray,
  • Ana Vecchi,
  • Dánica Radakobich,
  • Marcia Fernández
  • y Santiago Celio

Se aplicaron distintas técnicas, siempre con la premisa de la creación artesanal: collage textil, crochet, fieltro, tejido a dos agujas y teñido artesanal.


Por consultas:

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Sunset Fashion Music PROGRAMACION 17/02/12






·        MÚSICA: Live Performance house music set con toques étnicos, by HERNAN NUNZI de Argentina junto a Mona Mordan en Violín; Y MARIA NOEL TARANTO de la mano de DS Producciones presenta su show GRACIAS POR LA MUSICA, recorriendo con su voz por diferentes estilos musicales Jazz, Blues, así como grandes momentos de La Piaf y la música rioplatense también.

  • MODA: SOHO Eye Wear para Multióptica, LUZ MARÍA PENA tejido artesanal, FEMINA Accesorios, MARCEL Calzados Full Color, STEPHANIE TROMBOTTI Alta Costura y la Colección Five O ´Clock Tea presentada por ANIMATE A TEJER, el primer concurso de lana del País by BALITEX.



martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

The Campaign for Wool celebrates fibre’s legacy and potential

School of Design staff and students have a big role to play at the launch of The Campaign for Wool into New Zealand at the College of Creative Arts in Wellington.

El staff y los alumnos de la Escuela de Diseño están jugando un gran papel en el lanzamiento de la Campaña por la Lana en Nueva Zelanda, en el Colegio de artes Creativas en Wellington.

The week is part of an international series of campaign launches celebrating the legacy of the fibre and how it continues to evolve - in terms of its trading potential for exporters and versatility for designers.

La semana fue parte de una serie de campañas de lanzamiento que celebran el legado de la fibra, y como continua evolucionando - en términos de su potencial comercial para exportadores y de versatilidad para creadores.

Its global objective is to bring wool back into fashion and to highlight it as a fibre that is an eco-friendly and durable option to cheaper and more disposable alternatives. 

Su objetivo es volver a traer a la lana en el mundo de la moda, y destacarla como una fibra que es una opción eco-friendly, duradera a otras alternativas baratas y descartables

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

Julia Ramsey's

The connection between the clothes we buy and the clothes we are already wearing.

La conección entre la ropa que compramos y aquellas que ya estamos usando

Julia Ramsey is intent on sharing an awareness about textiles with others. "I think it's important to know the connection between the materials and the end product and the human and how it all comes together; a lot of times, I think it's taken for granted."

La intención de Julia Ramsey es compartir con otros su percepción de los textiles "Creo que es importante conocer la conexión entre los materiales, el producto final y la persona, y como todo se conecta; muchas veces creo que esto se da por sentado"

In a recent event at The Textile Arts Center in Brooklyn, NY, Ramsey unveiled her freshest fashion endeavor: Pelt. Textiles and their individual stories are integral to the inspiration and creation process for Ramsey. Pelt reveals an experience that weaves together raw materials, innovative construction, and an intimate relationship with your clothing and shelter.

En un evento reciente en el  Textile Arts Center de Brooklyn, NY, Ramsey develó su más reciente emprendimiento de moda: "Pelt". Los textiles y sus historias individuales son para Ramsey, intrínsicos al proceso de ispiración y creación. Pelt revela la experiencia que une todos los cateriales crudos, la construcción innovadora, y una relación íntima con tu ropa y tu ropero.

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

UNRAVEL: Knitting is Politics

Antwerp is the capital of Europe's fashion avant-garde. In the midst of the ModeNatie building, the Modemuseum features a show on the social impact of knitwear: "Unravel".

A political show

"Unravel - Knitwear In Fashion" may be a misleading title for the exhibition at MoMu, the fashion museum run by the Province of Antwerp. Accompanied by a photo motive showing actress Tilda Swinton in a sculptural dress by Stockholm designer Sandra Backlund, the impression could likely arise that "Unravel" takes a bath in aestheticism. Quite the contrary is the fact. After the round with Emannuelle Dirix through the exhibition is completed, she has made her point in tying profound social changes with the evolution of knitted silhouettes

Elitist to democratic material

"Dresses like these were worn by the absolute elite", Mrs. dirix explains by passing the eldest piece in the exhibition. The dress is knitted out of multicoloured silk garments. Only the golden top part makes a difference: it is made out of pure gold. "The whole history of knitwear tells a story of rise-and-fall", Emannuelle Dirix explains. "When the knitting machines were invented in the 16th century, knitted fabrics were the most modern of textiles. They were worn to show one's status." There are two movements that knitwear takes from there. It is the strength of "Unravel" to show both developments in a delicate clarity, and it is yet another strength of the show to exhibit these historical processes in their intertwined ways. One is the movement of knitwear from an elitist to a highly democratic material, the other is its way from beneath the surface to the upper side of the surface: from underwear to leisure wear.

Dr. Jaeger takes a step

For example, the stepwise decline of the corset is unthinkable without knitted underwear. Towards the end of the 19th century, life reform ideas rise in the european societies. German professor of zoology and physiology Dr Gustav Jaeger plays a major role in the life reform movement. In the 1880s, he promotes wearing knitted wool next to the body. Highly regarded in the scientific community as Dr Jaeger is, his advocating of wool underwear out of hygienic reasons becomes so popular that a London company licenses his name as a fashion label.

Functional fashion

"Unravel" shows some of the label's body-fit designs. When the next historical stage is climbed, the knitted garment has already found its way onto the surface of the body. Dr Jaeger and his fellow advocates of a "rational" dress reform played their part in abolishing the corset as a social standard of the upper-class lady. Yet, with the epoch of the antebellum, the thinking of fashion in functional categories is closely linked with women gaining equality. "Within ten years we go from bathing to swimming", Mrs. Dirix comments on the swimming wear that is displayed at the MoMu. She explains that women were allowed to take part in swimming contests at the Olympic Games in 1912 for the first time, while two years later, it was a woman that beat the old - male - world record of swimming the English Channel by two hours.

The fast curator

"Unravel" even demonstrates how silhouettes that have a "classic" status by now became so adored at their time because they were highly functional. The "small black" dress by Coco Chanel may be the most prominent example. So, the exhibition manages to show the social impact of knitwear without neglecting the sculptural facets that are enabled by the method of knitting. 

Christoph Braun